The card was signed by politicians from all parties and patients across Wales, showing the depth of support for the NHS to continue as it is, free, at the point of need. This is also the perfect opportunity for the Welsh Assembly Government to send a clear a message to keep the NHS public.
Here's what Rhodri Morgan had to say on receiving the card;
"The creation of the NHS, providing free healthcare for all, is arguably the greatest achievement of any government of the 20th Century. We all owe Nye Bevan a huge debt of gratitude for having the remarkable foresight and courage to introduce the NHS in 1948.
The NHS today is a lot different from the NHS of 10 years ago, and vastly different to the NHS that Bevan founded in 1948. It has adapted and modernised, as any public service must, to meet the challenges of today and it will have to do so again to meet those of the future. There’s no doubt that the continued hard work of staff, together with investment and reform, has made a huge difference to the quality of care that patients now receive. As we celebrate its 60th anniversary, we can be proud in Wales that the founding principles that Bevan established are as dear today as they were in 1948."
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